Privacy Policy

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Privacy Policy

Lockey, through the Website is responsible for collecting, using and protecting your personal data, through this Privacy Notice

  1. Privacy Policy

1.1.   Lockey’s identity

Lockey, through the Website is responsible for collecting, using and protecting your personal data, through this Privacy Notice and in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, states who is domiciled at David Alfaro Siqueiros 106, OF 1700, ED KOI P 17, Zona Valle Oriente, San Pedro Garza García, Zip Code. 66278. In order to fulfill its corporate purpose, Lockey has a relationship with Clients (the “Holders“) from whom it is required to collect data, which will be treated strictly to achieve the purposes described above.

1.2.   Data treatment

The personal data that Lockey collects from the Owner, as a result of the contractual agreements and agreements entered into, will be collected by any technological, optical, sound, visual means, or through any other technology, either: directly, when you provide them on the Site. Web, or at Lockey’s offices; When Lockey requests you by any means whether by phone, by electronic message or of any kind; or through other sources permitted by the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties. The data we request will be the following: Holders: name or company name, email address (e-mail), telephone number, gender, date of birth, bank details, description of the properties, photographs, address, domicile and tax details . Similarly, we may obtain information about you from other sources permitted by law, such as telephone or work directories. Lockey may clarify, complete, adjust or modify any information provided by the Holders to optimize the services provided by Lockey.

1.3.   Bank data

Lockey uses your bank details to make electronic bank transfers to Holders derived from the operations carried out by Lockey.

1.4.   Purpose of the Processing of Personal Data

Personal data is collected for the following primary and secondary purposes. a) Primary.- Purposes that give rise to and are necessary for the legal relationship between the Holder and Lockey, Identification of the Holder, Creation on the Website of a personal account of the Holder for the purchase of the services offered by Lockey, Make the payment for the contracted services, Provide you with the services established in the terms and conditions b) Secondary.- Different purposes and that do not give rise to the legal relationship between the Holder and Lockey, Issue electronic invoicing, Publicize promotions of the services, Send newsletters and relevant news in relation to services, Evaluate the quality of services, Conduct internal studies on consumption habits and any other promotional or question related to the services provided For statistical purposes and internal analysis.

1.5.   Sensitive Personal Data

We inform you that, to fulfill the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, sensitive personal data will not be collected.

1.6.   Options and Means to Limit the Use or Disclosure of Personal Data

In order to limit the use or disclosure of personal data, Lockey safeguards said personal data by implementing security, administrative, technical and physical measures. When contracting an online service, personal data will be protected by a secure server under the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, in such a way that the data sent will be transmitted encrypted to ensure its protection. They will only and exclusively have access to the Personal Data of the Holder, the personnel who work in this company, and any other affiliated or subsidiary company with Lockey using the passwords that allow the use, consultation, management or access to this data, in the same way. In relation to the physical documents that contain personal data, these are also kept in a file area with restricted access exclusively for the personnel who work in the company, keeping a strict control of their use. Lockey has implemented internal policies and processes applicable to all personnel, which range from obtaining data by the means established by Law, treatment according to the purposes and security measures described here, limiting the use of the means of reproduction and generating the obligation to destroy all those copies or reproductions of documents that contain personal data that are not strictly essential for the proper performance of the functions of Lockey’s personnel.

1.7.   Means to Exercise the Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (ARCO)

The holders of personal data enjoy the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition provided for in Chapter III of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties. The Holder has the right to know what personal data we have, what we use them for and the conditions of use that we give them (Access). Likewise, it is his right to request the correction of his personal information if it is outdated, inaccurate or incomplete (Rectification); that we delete it from our records or databases when it considers that it is not being used in accordance with the principles, duties and obligations provided for in the regulations (Cancellation); as well as oppose the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). These rights are known as ARCO rights. For the exercise of any of these rights, the person in question must submit to Lockey an application (the “Application“) which must be accompanied by the following: a) name of the owner and address or other means for Lockey to communicate your answer; b) documents that prove his identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the owner; c) clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights, and d) any other element or document that facilitates the location of the personal data; e) In the case of requests for rectification of personal data, the owner must indicate, in addition to the above, the modifications to be made and provide the documentation that supports his request; f) In the case of revocation of consent, the owner must indicate, in addition to the aforementioned, the date and the means by which they gave their consent for the processing of Personal Data, in order to facilitate their location in our databases. The request to which reference is made to exercise your ARCO rights, will be attended by Lockey ARCO of Lockey and you must send the Request referred to above via email Said request will be analyzed and if it is appropriate, you will be contacted through the email or address that you have provided for this purpose, within 20 calendar days following receipt of your request in order to make any effective of the aforementioned rights. However, it is important that you bear in mind that not in all cases we will be able to respond to your request or terminate the use immediately, since it is possible that due to some legal obligation we will need to continue treating your personal data. Likewise, you should consider that, for certain purposes, the revocation of your consent will imply that we cannot continue to provide the service you requested, or the conclusion of your relationship with us.

1.8.   Data transfers

Your personal data may be transferred and processed within and outside the country, by people other than Lockey We promise not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by that law. We inform you that for the indicated transfers we require to obtain your express consent, however, if you do not express your opposition within the period of 5 calendar days for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so.

1.9.   Use of Cookies, Web Beacons and Links to Third Party Websites

Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user’s computer equipment when browsing a specific Internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some information about this user, including their preferences for the visualization of the pages in that server, name and password. These cookies and other technologies can be disabled. There are various sections on our Website that can connect to other websites that do not work under the Website’s privacy policies. When you connect to other websites, this Notice is no longer valid. We invite users to review the privacy policies of each Website before revealing any personally identifiable information.

1.10.    Communication of Changes to the Privacy Notice

The terms of this Notice may be modified or updated at any time, unilaterally by Lockey, when it deems it necessary. Modifications to this Notice will be published on Lockey’s website so it is the responsibility of the people who send us information to be aware of it to be informed about the changes.

1.11.     Consent

The Holder of personal data declares that he has read and agrees with the terms and conditions of the Privacy Notice made available to him, knowing the purpose of the collection and processing of his personal data, as well as the procedure for the exercise of his ARCO Rights. By providing information via the internet, by phone or in person, you consent to this Privacy Notice.

1.12.     IFAI

If you consider that your right to the protection of your personal data has been harmed by any conduct or omission on our part, or you presume a violation of the provisions set forth in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and other applicable regulations, you may file your disagreement or complaint with the Federal Institute for Access to Information and Data Protection (IFAI). For more information, we suggest you visit its official website

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